National Tree Week
It probably won’t have escaped your notice that it was National Tree Week from 23 November to 1 December. Here in Greenhavens we love trees and we are overwhelmed the amount of tree planting going on here!
National Tree Week is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration, marking the start of the winter tree planting season.
“This National Tree Week, people are planting trees around the country. They are laying down roots for a more tree-filled future, led by the National Tree Champion Sir William Worsley, to tackle climate change and protect our precious wildlife habitats.
Trees do so much for us every day. They give us oxygen, store carbon, improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil, support wildlife and are a key solution to climate change. They also make our communities more beautiful and improve our wellbeing.
But trees need our help now. We need to champion them, by planting many more trees and caring for the ones we already have, to ensure a green, tree-filled future.
National Tree Week is an opportunity for everyone to plant a tree and help ensure a tree-filled future. So dig out your sturdy boots, grab a spade and become a Tree Champion today!”
Community groups and individuals throughout Greenhavens have been responding to that call, and becoming our very own tree champions!
In Newhaven, around 200 people planted over 800 trees last Sunday (see report from deputy mayor Lesley here..)
Friends of Lewes
In Lewes, on 24th November the Trees Committee of Friends of Lewes, and friends and family, were able to celebrate National Trees Week by planting seven more street trees in Lewes.
“We began in Prince Edwards Road where we planted a white Hawthorn, (Crataegus monogyna), a Hornbeam, (Carpinus betulus), and a Wild Cherry, (Prunus avium). This project was in response to a request from three of the residents, who have each “adopted” a tree to help to look after them.
After watering the trees in, we moved on to the green in Cross Way, on the Nevill. There we planted four more trees, two at each end of the green, to allow plenty of room for play space between them. The trees chosen, following consultations with nearby residents, were: a Wild Cherry, (Prunus avium), a Hornbeam, (Carpinus betulus), a Rowan, (Sorbus aucuparia), and an Ornamental Pear, (Pyrus calleryana “Chanticleer”).
Nevill Residents’ Association not only asked for some trees here, but they also donated £300 to us so that we might be able to plant some more around Nevill in the future.
If you have a green space or verge near your home, and you would like us to plant a tree there, please do not hesitate to contact us. We investigate all requests to try to gain planting permission from the landowners. You may contact us using the form at the bottom of our Lewes Urban Arboretum web page.”
Landport, Lewes
Also this weekend more trees were planted in Landport in partnership with Friends of Lewes, Landport Resident Association, Greenhavens and Burleys. Tools, gloves, tea and cake were provided
Landport Community Garden joined forces with local residents to plant a variety of fruit trees on Waldshut Rd. This pocket orchard should look splendid in Spring, be fruitful in Autumn and provide essential habitats for birds, butterflies and bees, all year round. Local residents are very excited that they will be able to go and pick fruit in a few years time.
Railway Land, Lewes
The Railway land in Lewes also had lots going on, on their Tree day celebration. This year they were joined by the SEEDACTS project, who were bringing along some of the many thousands of local acorns that they have collected and sprouted, ready for everyone to help plant up, share and distribute. Special Branch Tree Nursery from Stanmer were also coming along, with a range of tree samples in pots and top tips on growing trees from seed and Vert Woods Community Woodland were coming to share their news and love of all things tree-related.
Photo with kind permission of Railway Land Wildlife Trust
They were also busy with activities for all ages, including making wreaths and wildlife-friendly tree decorations and enjoying some Christmassy crafts and a mince pie or two.
Photo with kind permission of Railway Land Wildlife Trust
Peacehaven Orchard
If you missed all the events so far and really want to get digging, you’re not too late! In Peacehaven Community Orchard volunteers are planning to plant hundreds more trees to plant a shelter belt for the orchard on the Saturday before Christmas. Do get involved if you can, what a wonderful way to celebrate a green Christmas!
Seaford Tree Wardens
Seaford Tree Wardens have done a fantastic job in recent years planting around 1300 trees. They have been planting disease resistant elm trees in Seaford, in partnership Butterfly Conservation. Not only are the trees good for the planet and our health, but these trees are the sole habitat of the White-letter hairstreak butterfly. Thanks to the Tree Wardens and Jamie Bursden of the Butterfly Association there is a thriving colony of these butterflies in Seaford, despite many old trees being lost to Dutch Elm Disease.
Jamie has recently been awarded the first David Streeter award for an outstanding contribution to conservation in Sussex, for his work with the elm trees in Seaford and elsewhere. If you would like to know more about how to help the Seaford Tree Wardens, they are having a get together this Friday night (6 December) Do get in touch with them if you would like to know more.
Chris Packham programme
If you want to learn more from the comfort of your armchair, the recent programme (“Plant a tree to save the world” presented by Chris Packham! is worth a watch, and has lots more information about the campaign by the Woodland Trust to raise funds and to plant more trees!
Well done Greenhavens! Keep planting those trees, you champions you!