We are all looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday, 4th September, 7.15 pm prompt start; please find the agenda attached.
Please do let me know if you are unable to come so that I can add you to the apology list.
I am looking for speaker for out meeting in December, please get in touch if you would like to promote your group/project etc


Greenhavens Network Meeting

Wednesday 4th September

Baptist Church, Seaford

7.15pm – 9.15pm


  1. Welcome (Chairman)
  2. One minute silence in memory of John Gibbins
  3. Apologies (Acting Secretary)
  4. Update on March (20/03/19) Greenhavens Network Meeting (Chairman)
  5. Update from Burleys/LDC (Karen Rigby-Faux)
  6. “Brighton and Hove Food Partnership”, Policy Manager of Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, Emily O’Brien. (20 minutes)
  7. “Friends of Last Wood, Seaford” Chair of Seaford Tree Wardens, Margery Diamand (10 minutes)
  8. Network break, 30 minutes
  9. “Egrets Way journey”, Chair of Egrets Way, Neville Harrison (20 minutes)
  10. Any other business/Market place to highlight forthcoming events/call for volunteers etc.
  11. Close (Chairman)


We currently have two vacancies on the Greenhavens Committee, the Treasurer role and the Secretary role are both vacant.  Should you be interested in supporting us in moving the network forward please get in touch at greenhavens@yahoo.com


Next Greenhavens Network Meeting, Wednesday 4th December, Newhaven, 7pm