Earlier in the year, we asked you to support our request to ESCC to manage the timing of the roadside grass cutting, in a better way for wild flowers and the wildlife that depend on them.

The formal response is shown below.

It was disappointing response, and one that we hope will be reconsidered in time. If you feel strongly about this, please contact your county council (and copy in your town council), to make your views known.

Enquiry reference:  2591365

Thank you for your email of 16 April, and I apologise for the delay in responding to you.Whilst we appreciate the concerns of Greenhavens Network regarding the timing of our grass cutting service, having reviewed this with our contractor we do not propose to change the grass cutting dates for Seaford or Lewes.

The County Council cuts grass verges for public safety not for the enhancement of wildflowers. The timing of the cuts is determined by our contractor to ensure they are done so efficiently in an appropriate order, and that all communities across the County receive the same level of service. To change the timing of the cuts now would lead to delays for other Parishes and Towns, some of who have paid for extra cuts.

As a County Council we do have a scheme specifically for Wildlife Verges, which are designated in agreement with the Parish or Town Council prior to the grass cutting schedule starting. These verges are managed differently from the rest of our verges, and the emphasis is on encouraging wildflowers to grow and creating havens for local wildlife. This initiative as I am sure you aware has been picked up readily in Lewes and we are always happy to receive new suggestions from the relevant Town Council.

I hope this information is of assistance.

NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.

Yours sincerely 


Karl Taylor

Assistant Director Operations and Contract Management

Communities, Economy & Transport

01273 482207