Lots of parks have swings, but not many have swings that can be used by wheelchair users! The installation of the wheelchair swing was thanks to the hard work of the 2017-18 Young Mayor of Seaford, Thomas Exley during his year in office. The swing was paid for by donations, and a grant from Seaford Town Council.

New Table Tennis Tables at the Salts in May 2019

Seaford Town Council is pleased to announce that two new outdoor concrete table tennis tables have been delivered and installed at the Salts Recreation Ground next to the Salts Café in Seaford.

Table tennis tables were identified by users of the park as a desirable addition to the Salts, during a public consultation. This lead to the Salts Development Plan being adopted by the Council. Table tennis is a fun free activity available to all ages and abilities in the town. You can bring along your own bats and balls, or borrow sets from the Salts Café during opening times.

The tables were delivered and installed on Monday 29th April from ‘Playcrete’. Seaford Town Council has been able to purchase these with a grant application for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds from Lewes District Council.

Seaford Mayor Cllr Linda Wallraven said back in May “So pleased to see the outdoor table tennis being installed at The Salts recreation ground thanks to CIL funding from L.D.C., they will bring enjoyment and exercise to all ages and abilities.”

New Benches in the Martello Fields

After receiving requests for some seating in Martello Fields, Seaford Town Council approached the Monday Group for help.

The Monday Group is an organisation of volunteer workers in the heart of Sussex who build and maintain stiles and other wooden structures on public rights-of-way as well as working to keep them clear of obstructions and overgrowth www.mondaygroup.org

The Monday Group made and installed two perch seats which have been very well received by people using the Martello Fields and the Town Council would like to give a huge thank you to the volunteers.


 New Skatepark due to be opened this Summer

Seaford Town Council’s exciting new skatepark is progressing well, with the project due to complete on time at the end of July. Keep an eye out for the official Skate Jam opening event to happen sometime in August.

The council has also recently had planning permission granted for 4 floodlights which are due to be installed in September, meaning more skating all year round.

Seahaven Beer and Music Festival – 23-25 August 2019

There is also an upcoming event being held at The Salts.  This is a brand new event for Seaford taking place in the Salts Recreation Ground over the late August Bank Holiday (23rd-25th) showcasing the very best food, drink and music from the local area.

Well there you have it, swinging, skating or sitting, do make the most of your Seaford parks!