A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, or enjoyment of plants, shrubs and other forms of nature.
An edible garden can be just as beautiful as ornamental ones. To grow organic vegetables. fruits and herbs. A community garden can also provide a place to rest, to entertain, to play, and bring people together!
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Going Batty – Greenhavens Wilder Gardens
Give Hedgehogs a Home – Greenhavens Wilder Gardens
Fairy Cups (Cowslips)
Probably one of our most favourite spring flowers, it’s a true joy to see them so upright with their beautiful [...]
Lesser celandine
Who can fail to love these spectacular bright glossy yellow star shaped flowers. They are so loaded with pollen that [...]
Delicate Primroses
Primroses with their beautiful delicate creamy yellow flowers make us sigh with happiness as we know spring is here, which [...]
Mike’s Nature Blog – February 2021
The first half of February did result in a fair bit of garden watching from indoors in the warm! Fortunately, [...]
The all almighty Crocus!
Be careful if you are walking on verges and gardens adorned with crocuses. These are such an important source of [...]
Greenhavens Wild Gardens
Sparrows! Many years ago I was a parent helper at a summer holiday club for children. One of the activities I thought [...]
Hibernation – a winter survival strategy for British wildlife
Nature blogger Steven Teale explores hibernation in British wildlife and gives tips on how you and your garden can help. [...]
Julia’s garden blog – part 1 – discovering the wild flowers
"This is a diary blog, a tale about gardening as therapy and becoming part of a green community, learning as [...]
Digging for victory – from the WI to Greenhavens
Currently under Covid19 lockdown, it seems that everyone with a garden is suddenly starting to grow food! It’s a [...]
Blue on the Green
Are you missing the bluebells? This time last year we were enjoying a visit to the beautiful bluebell trails at [...]