UPDATE! meeting is confirmed as 13 November at 6pm Meeching Hall, in Fort Road Newhaven, BN9 9QQ. Please do come along!
Forget the borders and divisions of Brexit, we want to talk about the big Greenhavens BEE-EXIT project.
What’s that you ask? We know that you have all been working very hard in your green spaces to support bees and other essential pollinators, but we want you to do more! Some bees are active all year around, and we want you to imagine you are a bee. Start off in the wonderful grassland of Telscombe Tye and we want you to be able to fly all the way to the chalk grassland of Seaford Head, flying from plant to plant, across the downs, along the coast or through the towns.
Wildlife needs safe corridors joining up our precious green spaces. As a start we need pollinator friendly plants in corridors all through the Greenhavens area, all year around so that a bee can exit one source of nectar, and easily fly on to the next one! Improving the environment for us, for all sorts of wildlife and to help save the planet.
How can you help?
- Download our maps for your area and start taking a close look at them. Mark on them, your existing projects and green spaces.
- Get outside and look at the green spaces near you – and those spaces that are not green at the moment, but could be with our help. Get your family, friends and fellow volunteers to help!
- Come up with some ideas that would work in your area/town to expand those green corridors and make them attractive to wildlife. (Maybe more planting/less grass cutting/green roofs/windowboxes and planters/less pesticides/more pollinator friendly choices etc)
- Come to our meeting and share your ideas to help us come up with our action plan ready to prepare funding bids and get things moving.
- The workshop meeting is confirmed as 13 November at 6pm Meeching Hall, in Fort Road Newhaven. There you will be able to give your ideas direct to your council and other partners. It’s a fantastic opportunity to be part of something that will really benefit our green spaces and wildlife.
- Spread awareness of our campaign (We need more volunteers to help with marketing!)
Say no to Bee Boundaries, we need free movement of bees, we need BEE-EXITs and green corridors now!