Newhaven Tree Wardens are a group of volunteers affiliated to Newhaven Town Council.  Our aims are to protect the trees we have, plant native species in suitable places and work with local groups with any interest in trees.  We also work to help protect and improve our incredible biodiversity.

Our most recent projects include planting rowan, hazel and whitebeam trees in Riverside Park and Rose Walk

We have just started working with the Community Gardens and have 6 fruit trees selected for liking a clay based soil ready to plant. By the time this goes to press they should be enjoying their new home. Here they are after some welcome rain, waiting to go to their new home.

We chose damsons and pears. Watching young trees growing up and producing fruit is one of the many joys of being a Tree Warden.

We meet regularly and would welcome more volunteers to join us.  For information please contact (Please note that this mailbox is manned by volunteers and so replies are not immediate, for more urgent Tree related queries please contact the Council)

Jules Charrington


Editor note – you can meet the lovely Newhaven Tree Wardens this Saturday at the Fish Festival in Newhaven, along with Burleys, Community Action Network (CAN), Friends of Riverside Park and Valley Ponds, Greenhavens Network, Peacehaven Community Orchard and Refill Seaford and Newhaven. See our events page for more detail!