We want more wildlife and wildlfowers on our roadside verges
We need your help to change the cutting regime for our verges – please write to county council, by copying the letter below explaining the current proposals aren’t beneficial for our wildlife!
Dear Mr Clubb,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Greenhavens Network.  My members have serious concerns over the proposed dates for grass cutting in SEAFORD and LEWES.  They feel that an ecological opportunity to improve the diversity of the highway verges is being missed.
The first cuts need to be four weeks earlier than planned – Seaford 6/5/2019; Lewes 16/5/2019.  The main ecological reason for this is this advancement will provide flowering, in particular, for Oxeye, Red Clover and Birds Foot Trefoil as well as many other species.
The second cuts need to delayed by four weeks later than planned –  Seaford 3/10/2019; Lewes 18/10/2019.  The main ecological reason for this delay is to allow Scabious and Knapweed, in particular, to seed as well as many other species.  It would also be advantageous if the second cut arisings were collected rather than let them lie.  
These changes will fit in perfectly with the agreed wildflower ecological corridors that both Lewes District Council and Greenhavens Network have chosen as a priority focus project.
I appreciate the time is tight for the first cut but it is extremely important to us that the changes are made.  I hope that you are able to look favourably on this request.
Yours sincerely,